Choosing the right wine to take to a barbecue can enhance the overall dining experience and complement the flavors of the grilled food. You dont want to be that person whom brings a bottle and that bottle is then taken to the next persons BBQ and you recognize that your "choice of wine" is being passed around the community and never drunk !


Consider the menu - Take into account the type of food being served at the barbecue. Different wines pair well with different dishes. For example, if you're having grilled chicken or fish, a crisp and refreshing white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay can be a good choice. Dont choose an overly aromatic or overly buttery Chardonnay but keep your selection more neutral.For grilled red meats, such as steak or burgers, you might opt for a medium to full-bodied red wine like Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah - Boutinot les Coteaux Cote du Rhone villages.  If you re brave enough to go into detail consider more tannic old world wines with fattier meats -i.e Clos de la Cure St Emilion Grand Cru with a Ribeye Steak


Think about the weather - Barbecues are often held during warm weather, so it's a good idea to choose wines that are refreshing and can be enjoyed chilled. Lighter-bodied wines, such as rosé or lighter reds like Pinot Noir, can be enjoyable when served slightly chilled. Timing of the BBQ will matter as well as generally more Rose will be consumed the earlier the event - i.e lunchime through to early evening - try Wildeberg Wild House Rose as an option


Consider the preferences of the host and other guests - Assuming you re all friends, you might have a good idea what they and their friends like to drink If you're not sure what specific wines they might enjoy, it's generally safe to have a decent sparkling wine - Cremant  / or Champagne.



Opt for versatile wines: If you're unsure about the food pairing or want to cater to different tastes, choosing versatile wines can be a good strategy. Picking an easy drinking Pinot Grigio, Grillo, Chenin Blanc are styles which can match most food types and also be drunk by themselves. Avoid old Bushvine styles or aged wines - try and pick younger vintages and with medium to low alcohol i.e Ancora Pinot Grigio 12.5% abv


Consider the occasion- Is the barbecue a casual gathering or a more formal event? The occasion can influence your wine choice. For relaxed and informal barbecues, you can be more flexible with the selection. For more formal gatherings, you might consider higher-quality wines - Price of wine will  generally be a farly good indicator of quality. Casual settings its not uncommon to bring a bottle of 10 -12 usd, for more formal occasions there is very good value available at 15-25 usd


Plenty of options available at for delivery to your house or to your hosts house